Sr. UX Designer
I had the privilege of being the UX lead for the complete overhaul of Disney Mirrorverse's (DMV) Login Calendar, as well as facilitating design workshops for critical game components like the Store and RPG/Quest Systems. Insights from these workshops significantly influenced the UIUX design of the Calendar flow.

Disney Mirrorverse's Login Calendar, which rewards players with free items daily, originally suffered from a lack of compelling motivational elements, contributing to suboptimal day 3 to day 7 player metrics and retention rates. Consequently, product leadership recognized the need for a comprehensive UIUX redesign to enhance DMV's engagement and appeal.

The proposed UIUX redesign revolutionized the Login Calendar experience. The final design received product leadership's approval and was integrated into the game for its 2022 launch, marking a significant milestone in enhancing player interaction and satisfaction.
Legacy Login Calendar Flow & Design
User research, expert interviews, and analysis revealed significant issues with the original Login Calendar design, notably an unclear value proposition, uninspiring presentation, and a mental model that failed to celebrate player progression. Given the project's tight timeline and resource limitations, I focused my design efforts on addressing these challenges.

Unclear value proposition
Even after reaching Chapter 5, players new to the game may not understand the rewards or their significance, nor is the value of these rewards clearly communicated for players to know their next steps.

Uninspiring presentation
Beyond the rewards themselves, the original UIUX design lacked the engaging presentation needed to capture player attention or encourage long-term engagement.

A mental model that does not reward progression
The existing mental model removed players from the game's context by only showing daily rewards with an auto-claim feature, without offering psychological incentives that accumulate rewards over time based on player engagement.
Additional Identified UX Problems
Research & Exploration
Visual Presentation & Clear Progression
To revitalize the Login Calendar, its visual presentation requires a complete overhaul to prominently feature game content, creating a festive and inviting atmosphere that encourages players to return daily for rewards.
Through design workshops led by myself and the UX Lead, we identified a consistent theme across the game regarding this presentation opportunity. Our goal is to enhance both the Store and Login Calendar's UI design, making it as enticing as a candy shop, to evoke excitement and engagement.
Shift in Player Mental Models

To radically improve the player experience with the Login Calendar, significant design alterations were suggested to revolutionize player interaction with DMV's calendar systems. These alterations encompass shifts in the mental model of the intended UX design, aiming to make daily rewards more significant, interconnected, and tailored to player progression. Additionally, by adopting a variable ratio schedule for larger rewards, based on principles from Operant Conditioning, rather than a fixed ratio, we enhance both the allure of the visual presentation and the underlying design model itself. This approach increases the likelihood of players being drawn to the revamped system.
UX Wireframe Explorations
Full-page Theme Backgrounds + Content Info
(for added atmosphere, visual flare & usability)
UI Mockup Iterations
Layout Variation Design
Other Design Considerations
UI Animation Design
Calendar UI Swaps
Milestone Reward Overlay
Before After Comparison

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